- 14歳の私をハグしたい!よくやったなあと言ってあげたい。
- 15歳の時、最悪で、自分は何のために生きているんだろう。
- 自分の価値観は他人の評価に依存して、それは違うよと教えてくれたのはお父さんでした。
- ええ~日本だけだと思ったことは、なぜ海外も同じことだろう?不思議と思いました。
- クラスの中にグループワークがあれば、一人ぼっちになりやすいことも多い。
- 声をかけてくれるのを待っているけど、声をかけてくるなあ空気感を作ってしまう。
- 本当は、声をかけて欲しんだ。
- 自分は声をかければよかったかもしれませんですが...
- 声をかけ雰囲気じゃないとどうしようもないですね。
- 声をかけたいと思うこともあって、拒否されたら…と思うと行動できなくなった。
- 大体、経験値から考えると、だれかその最初の一歩を踏み出すことを待っているじゃないか?拒否されるのはめちゃ怖いですが、受け入れることもあるでしょう。
- 失敗と成功がどっちもあると思いますが、やらないと分からないですけどね。でも、一回の成功だけでも気持ちはよいから、やっぱり試していく価値があると思うよ。
- 本当に海外もこういうことあるんですか?
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
【ふらっとの特徴 メモ①】
Saturday, February 10, 2024
Friday, February 9, 2024
みなさん、報告です。2024年2月9日11:30 現在、1名のスタッフ体調不良と共にスタッフの中にコロナ感染者が1名。市役所に報告し、無症状のスタッフが継続運営との指示が出ました。
Thursday, February 8, 2024
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
The differences between 同体化 (Doutaika), 同感 (Doukan), and 共感 (Kyoukan)
Apologize that I have to do this in English. ごめんね。英語で書いちゃいました。
Two days sharing the ibasho with another center in Furatto had helped us to learn about the strength and weakness of each other. By a certain reason, we were asked to share our place with another center for about a week. For ten years, we had been running different programs, and there was very little cooperation between. I agreed to it, seeing it as an opportunity to reach out, to learn from each other..
With long hours sharing the same place, I finally realized what are the differences between Furatto and the other ibasho, or maybe most ibasho in general. I find many counselors like to see their clients (in this case, futoko and hikikomori) as people that can't speak for themselves. Or, they feel strongly that they should leave them alone, and not that they were kind, but they are afraid of unnecessary stimulations. Psychiatrists, on the other hand, will see them as patients that needs medication, rest. We have seen a lot of futoko and hikikomori people who being heavily medicalized. Prescriptions are always about rest, avoiding conflicts. School teachers, educators, they are either pushing the students for academic attendance, or they treat them (sometimes spoil them) like their own kids, hoping to protect them from any perceived harm. Avoiding risk, makes it difficult for them to take chalenges.
The other ibasho that we were working with for the past two days, the staffs are absolutely lovely people. They share the students' emotion, they try their best to protect them. During casual conversations, students will look at the teacher to seek hints or approval for answers. And because we (the leading staff and me) knew each other well, and had always been brainstorm on ideas of what we think about the education problems, what was lack in the support system, so we do have trust in between because we know what we agree and disagree with. However, sharing the place with two different set of values and approach styles was a pain to both side.
One of the thing that I learned today about the difference between Furatto and other ibasho, is that we treat people who come to us as friends, equal. So we laugh, we joke, we test the boundaries, so that we can move on without fear. We believe that friends, is what futoko and hikikomori is looking for without realizing it. Not knowing how to make friends or maitain a healthy relationship is what keeps them bound in the circumstance. We know that we cannot take responsible for others, and it is really up to them to choose the way they want to live. We know that because we've been there. We take pride for the empowerment that we are able to provide, but we are also aware our style of approach is probably very unique. Another thing that we work hard on, is to be very careful that what we do and provide do not translate into additive behaviors that foster dependency, potentially leading to a profound sense of emptiness and loneliness once individuals are left alone.
I am often asked to give advice to the public health workers, teachers, counselors, and medical students on what we should be aware of when it comes to reaching out to the futoko or hikikomori people or people with self-harm attempts, suicide ideation. I would say listen and observe. When I say this, I want to bring to your attention about the differences among 同体、同感、and 共感。These three concepts are totally different, but in reality, it is difficult for people to see or act the difference in them. Sometimes, all these three feelings can occur, and trust me, is normal. But what helps, is choose to end with 共感(empathy) at the end of the conversation. Choose to empathy, and choose to empower. Help them to see where the problem lies, and how to approach them, and challenge them. In other words, Lead them to the light, help them to see how they can change. Funny is that, when I am trying to put these in words, I felt that both ibasho are actually aiming for the same thing. So what really is different, is that we operate on peers (our staffs, including me, we have similar backgrounds with our clients). Because of the similar experiences, it is easy to 同体、同感、and 共感。It is very important to have all these three for us.
I repeat.
what helps, is choose to end with 共感(empathy) at the end of the conversation. Choose to empathy, and choose to empower. Help them to see where the problem lies, and how to approach them, and challenge them.
Below is the meaning and definitions of 同体、同感、and 共感。
同体化 (Doutaika):
- "Doutaika" refers to empathizing with others' perspectives or emotions as if they were one's own.
- It involves a sense of merging oneself with others or experiencing their feelings as if they were your own.
- For example, identifying strongly with the emotions and experiences of a fictional character in a novel would be considered 同体化.
同感 (Doukan):
- "Doukan" means sharing similar emotions or opinions with others.
- It involves agreeing with or sharing the same emotions as someone else.
- For instance, saying "I feel the same way" when a friend expresses joy indicates 同感, as you share their emotions.
共感 (Kyoukan):
- "Kyoukan" refers to resonating with and understanding others' emotions or situations.
- It involves empathizing with someone's feelings or situation, deepening the connection and understanding between individuals.
- For example, expressing sympathy and understanding towards someone who has experienced a loss demonstrates 共感.
In summary, 同体化 involves experiencing others' emotions as if they were your own, 同感 involves sharing similar emotions or opinions, and 共感 involves understanding and empathizing with others' emotions or situations.
It is extremely important to know all the facts before giving advice. It’s probably impossible. But it is important to bare that in mind and try to seek the truth behind an incident. Do not forget that some people choose to sweep things under carpet, it’s okay to do that when there is an urgency to it. There is no shame in it. But the same people can be very uncomfortable sitting on the carpet knowing what’s underneath. As it piles up, it becomes threats and pains. They will refuse to leave the carpet because they are afraid if people find out. They find it hard to clean underneath because they can’t face it.
With all the challenges that we faced in sharing the same place, we decided to call this collaboration off. I really hope that the other ibasho will get back in shape, because they will be people who prefer that style of care.
So much to ponder.
Love, Roseline
2024年2月5日 居場所メモ
- Gary(39歳)イギリス人、子ども頃は大体部屋中に閉じこもることが多いらしい。友達は1人ぐらいと教えてくれました。
- Isaiah(21歳)アメリカ人(Texas)、歴史・文化大好きで、11歳から日本に来たいと思った。自分は日本人と似ているところが多いではないかと考えているらしい。祈って祈って、日本にやってきました。
- Nic(20歳)アメリカ人(Washington)、写真が好き!高卒後、青少年の活動のボランティアの活動をしてきて、これからどうするか、何をすべきか、どこに行ったらいいのかがあまりわからず、焦りと迷いながらなんとなく日本に来ました。
- Liam(19歳)カナダ人、初音ミクが好き!J-POPが好き!マンが好き!ロマコムファン!高校卒業したばかり。次の一歩を何をすべきなのか、考えるギャップほしく、大好きな日本にやってきた。
Sunday, February 4, 2024
2024年2月6日~12日、クリスチャンの青少年が「ふらっと」に研修・ボランティアにやってきます。火曜日特別開店。(^^)世界各地の子どもの課題を分かち合い、参加費はいつものワンコインですが、小中学生は無料。水曜日は開店していませんが、クリスチャンなので、水曜日の午後に教会で休みしながら祈り、祈りしながら歌う、歌うしながら祈り、クリスチャンミュージックをひきかたり?木曜日はゲームデー(ふらっと)とつながりワーカー養成研修会(ぽろっと)。興味がある方がぜひどうぞご交流ください。to be continued...
Thursday, February 1, 2024
漫画連載コーナー 棚田あお⑤⑥
ぜひご感想をどうぞ~ (^^)
速報!「ひきこもりの再評価: 前提を問い直すと日本における孤独感の再定義」論文の発表
Reevaluating hikikomori: challenging assumptions and redefining loneliness in Japan
店長Rの研究論文「ひきこもりの再評価: 前提を問い直すと日本における孤独感の再定義」が発表されました! 全文の掲載は2月〜3月に予定されています。引き続きご注目いただければ幸いです。
この研究の意義は:ひきこもりと孤独感に焦点を当てた初の総合的なアプローチを提供し、問題の理解を深め、新たな示唆をもたらしています。 また、既存のひきこもりの分類に疑問を投げかけ、再定義を試みることで、理論的な進展をもたらしています 研究は日本の公衆メンタルヘルスに密接に関連し、孤独感とその要因に関する貴重な洞察を提供し、社会的な課題への対処に貢献しています。令和6年4月1日から実施する孤独・孤立推進法https://elaws.e-gov.go.jp/document?lawid=505AC0000000045_20240401_000000000000000に向けたタイムリーな適合性は、研究の意義を法的な枠組みと結びつけ、孤独・孤立推進法の実施に伴って期待される具体的な効果や良い変化に焦点を当てています。
理論的進展の提供: ひきこもりの分類に疑問を投げかけ、新しい定義を模索する本研究は、これまでにない理論的進展をもたらすことが見込まれます。これにより、ひきこもりの本質やその影響に関する理解が深まり、より効果的な支援策の構築に寄与するでしょ。
具体的な支援プログラムの開発への示唆: 本研究が提供する孤独感の新たな側面や影響要因は、具体的な支援プログラムの開発において重要な示唆を与えることが期待されます。従来のアプローチにとらわれず、より効果的で包括的な支援が可能となるでしょ。
調査結果の地域社会への普及: 研究結果は、地元の保健機関、教育機関、自治体などに提供され、ひきこもり支援の実践において実証的な情報源として活用されるでしょう。これにより、地域社会全体のひきこもりへの理解が深まり、支援の充実度向上が期待されます。
法的枠組みとの連携: ひきこもり・孤独感推進法の実施に関する研究の結果は、法的な枠組みの策定や改善に向けた材料として活用され、地域の法的支援体制の向上に寄与するでしょう。
本研究「ひきこもりの再評価: 前提を問い直すと日本における孤独感の再定義」の完遂は、さまざまな源からの努力と貢献の結晶です。特に「ふらっと」の皆さんの貴重な視点と経験は、この研究の概念化において重要な役割を果たしました。いままでの研修会やフォーラムの中に、ひきこもりの分類と定義は、ひきこもりの個人的な経験を有する参加者たちと綿密に問い直され、議論されました。これらの議論は、特にCOVID-19前後の時代においてひきこもりと孤独感を再定義する急務性を強調しました。参加者たちが共有した多様な洞察と反映は、研究目的と方法論の醸成において触媒となりました。皆さん、ご協力ありがとうございました!The honor is yours!