


Furatto, is a hikikomori community located in Omagari, Daisen City, Akita Prefecture, Japan. If you need help, please feel free to contact us by email. 1coin.furatto@gmail.com (English, Japanese, Chinese, Malay are ok)


※2019年4月から居場所(13:00 -17:00)の時間を加えて、新規相談者のため、相談の時間を増設します。新規の方は木~月午前部(11:00-13:00)と午後部(17:00-19:00)、ふらっとの利用について、または不登校やひきこもりの相談について受付しています。予約を優先しますが、ふら~と飛び込みは可能です。電話の受付時間は11:00~19:00。メール相談はいつでもオッケーです。※店長Rの相談日は金、日。初めての方も気楽にいらっしゃい~(^^)


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秋田大学大学院医学系研究科 助教 ロザリン・ヨン 公衆衛生学修士(香港大学), 精神保健博士(東京大学) 
/ ロザリン研究室(地域作り・若者メンタルヘルス・ひきこもり・自殺予防対策)/ 特定非営利活動法人光希屋(家)
/ 大仙市子供・若者総合相談センター/ 「つながる」「つなぐ」「つながり続ける」/ロザリンの論文集(←ここに押して!)


Monday, July 9, 2007

This interview was done with a caregiver to a Hikikomorian sister in Busan, Korea.

The interview was based on six questions. When, What, Why, How, Expectations.
Q1. How long your sister had been a "Hikikomori"?
A1: Almost more than 2 years now.

Q2: What does she do?
A2: Watching TV, especially sports. Doing internet.

Q3: Do you know the reasons for her to withdraw herself from connecting with people?
A3: My sister attended a church, and she was working in a mission organization, making "video animation" before she bacame a "hikikomori". She heard many people fighting each other in the company, many rejections, and saw a lot of bad things. Individually, she went through a lot of rejectio from step-mother, and elder sister inlaw. So, she had a bitter root in her heart, towards people, and God.

Can I tell you my story? (interviewer nodded, as a sign of "go ahead")

Actually , the family went through a lot of tribulation. My father is a drunker, and he died in 2003. My mother had mental disease since our childhood. The curse, passing down from old generation. Generation curses, have you heard?

Let me explain... My father's father was a drunker, and he despise woman. Then, my father hated my grandfather, but when he grew up, he became a drunker too, and despise woman. My mother's mother was a buddhist, my mother too. My mother once loved a poor young man, and my grandmother against it. Then, my mother broke up with the poor young man, and tried to suicide. However, my grandmother arranged my mother to marry with my father. After the marriage, she realized that my father was a drunker and he hated woman. She endured the relationship because of her pregnancy. Because of this relationship, my mother had mental illness, and always being hospitalized. My father brought home a stepmother when I went to university. She rejected us, and we also hated her.

Finally I met Jesus Christ, and I forgave my father. But not long after that, my mom died in the mental hospital. It was very painful to me.

My sister dropped out from university. After mom died, sister came to church. I'm not sure if she's born again, but she attended church right after mom's death in 1995.

After my brother married, my sister stayed with them. My sister inlaw not Christian. Brother at that time not Christian, they cannot understand me and my sister. My sister worked with mission organization, her salary 300,000 won (about 300 US), very low in Korea. My brother's wife cannot understand. But my sister thought God brought her to the mission organization.

After my father died, my step mother refused to return to us what he left for us. As a result, my brother bankrupt, me and my sister had economic hardship. Finally 3 years ago, my sister became a Hikikomori.

She also has sickness, inflamation in bowel. She was very thin, and she was hospitalized, the doctor told her that was not curable.

So, she hide herself in the house, and she stays with me now. About 2 years she not going out at all. Now, she goes to market with me, and she speaks only to the seller. Now she often smile, and she talks. But she still has no friends. She had one very intimate friend, but she cut all relationship. She recently told me that her intimate friend was working together with her in the same mission organization.

Q4: How come she changed? From not going out at all, to going out with you to the market?
A4: I think it's God's grace. I prayed for that! Ia ttended Benny Hyn's conference in Bangalore, India 2004. I have confidence God will heal my sister!

I think she was young at that time, as a spiritual baby, and she worked hard for the mission organization. Her burden was great. The pastor and co-workers made her felt guilty when she tried to quit. Such as making her feel that she was not a good Christian, and not following God's will...... She only told me these recently. I always though it was only because of my step mother.

Q5: Can you share with us your feelings being have to look after a Hikikomori family member?
A5: I thought it was a heavy burden because I had to support my sister economically. But now I think my thouight didn't comply with God's words. Now I accept it as God's plan to make me pure and I feel I have to fight against the evil spirit who attacked my family

Q6: How do you think you can be support better by the community?
A6: I think it's more of a evil attack towrds the family So I think the first is to pray, most important one. I think in the case of my sister, she was attacked by the religious spirit, in the mission organization. Isn't that spirit of withcraft? A spirit in using other things to control people, but not with the Holy Spirit. "If you are not involve in this movement, you are guilty for not following God!" This person became guilty, and another person is in control.

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